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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Fascinating caterpillars


The hot and humid summer weather in Hong Kong is ideal for insects and caterpillars.  I didn’t have to go very far to find these colourful and interesting looking caterpillars.  

I almost mistook these two for dead tree branches.

This ordinary looking one is actually quite extraordinary in these close-up photos.


Joop Zand said...

Very nice pictures.... well done.

Greetings, Joop

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are so gifted in having such amazing looking little creatures nearby to photograph. Wonderful how Nature is.

Eko said...

Kuvissasi esiintyy melkoinen määrä minulle uusia tuttavia.
En ole nähnyt aikaisemmin näin hienoa kuva-kavalkaadia madoista.
Korketasoista kuvausta - läleltä ja vielä lähmpää...
Hienoa macroilua...
Terveisin... Eko...