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Saturday, 9 July 2011

Colourful Bugs

I never paid  much attention to the bugs in Hong Kong until recently when I saw these beautiful little things on a Tea Tree.  

It is called Tea Seed Bug (or Tea Shield Bug). The mature bug is very colourful at about 16-10mm long and 10-14mm wide. 

It feeds on Tea Seeds, therefore it is a pest. 

The multiple eggs are usually laid on the back of the leaves. 

The young bugs are also bright coloured. 

These Red Stink Bugs look very pretty too. 

The male is usually smaller than the female. 

Unlike the Tea Seed bug, the Red Stink Bug feeds on small insects and flies.


Eko said...

Jo on mukava uusi tuttavuus.
Pelottavan kaunis.
Hieno Kuva-Kavalkaadi.
Katselin mielenkiinnolla.
Meillä on 'omat-itikat' ja muut 'ötökät'...!
Tervehtien Eko....
Yöttömän-yön Suomi/Lapland/Kuusamo...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bad bug. I wish I had some colorful bug like that around here to exercise my new macro lens on.

M.E.V. foto said...

Fascinating creatures :) Thank you for your nice comment in my blog :)

Tammy said...

Beautiful creatures. Macro makes even the ugly, beautiful.

Birdy Official said...

They are lovely creature, but wish if they were not pest.Tea tree bug is really stunning.

YTSL said...

Hi there --

Discovered your blog while Googling for "red bug Hong Kong" and through it, managed to ID the bugs I saw earlier this afternoon up on Quarry Gap as red stink bugs.

Thanks for the info! And I've bookmarked your blog and will explore it further. :)