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Sunday, 5 August 2012

Common Hong Kong Butterflies

Although Hong Kong is a tiny place of just over 1000 km2 (about 420 sq mile) in landmass (UK=240,000km2), it is a home to more than 240 butterfly species. So similar to humans, the butterfly is rather densely populated too, much to my delight.

In addition to the Swallowtail butterflies, I have recently managed to photograph several common species.   

Indian Fritillary Male (Nymph)

Common Mapwing (Nymph)

Constable (Nymph)  

Gaudy Baron Female (Nymph)

Gaudy Baron Male (Nymph)

Chocolate Pansy (Nymph)

Staff Sergeant (Nymph)

Yellow Rajah(Nymph)

Banded Tree Brown (Brown)  

Dark Evening Brown(Brown)

Muirhead's Labyrinth (Brown)

Blue Glassy Tiger (Crow)

Chestnut Angel (Skipper)

Indian Palm Bob  (Skipper)

Greenish Palm Dart (Skipper)

Tree Flitter (Skipper)

Restricted Demon (Skipper)

Purple Sapphire (Male) (Blue)

Punchinello (Metalmark)

More photos at Google+


Unknown said...

Great photographs, I love butterflies

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful butterflies and photos.

Anonymous said...

How timely for last night I just finished reading a book - Mariposa Road, where the author, Robert Pyle, did a "Big Year" on butterflies in North America. A good read.

Bob Bushell said...

There ain't nothing as special as a butterflies, it is beautiful, bravo.

Irma said...

Great photographs of the butterflies.
Greetings Irma

Adriano said...

Hello Friend!

Thanks for visiting, and to be Friends!

Your Place is Wonderful!

The blogs is very Beautiful, Butterflys collors

Fantástics! Congratulations!

Greatings from Brazil, Adriano.

Graham Edwards said...

Last time I was in Hong Kong I can't recall seeing too many butterflies but then there was so so much to see and I had relatively little time. When I'm there in a few months I shall try and make time to look for them.

Lindsjö taxar said...

Why dont we have so beautiful butterflies in Sweden. We have some but not so many different like you have. Very great close ups.
Your comment: No he is taking a step. They are not dangerous. It only is when you come near a cow with her calf. They can attack you. But most of animals are dangerous when they have small ones...

Unknown said...

Some of the species look similiar to those in my USA NY .but different names.. I wonder about scientific names.. A wonderful collection..You never disappoint!

Linda said...

wonderful photography here!!

Kirsti said...

Ihania perhoskuvia, kauniita:)

Anonymous said...
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Giga said...

Wszystkie są cudowne, gdybym miała jednak wybierać najładniejszego, to wybrałabym tego z niebieskimi plamkami. Wspaniałe zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
All are wonderful, but if I had to choose the prettiest, then I'd choose it with blue markings. Great pictures. Yours.

Helma said...

Truly beautiful friend or HK.
I love butterflies and you've put down here a wonderful series. Some we have but most do not. What a beautiful colors are there between. This really super.

Greetings, Helma

Wout said...

O, what is this beautiful. They are perfect the butterflies and the photos.
Regards, Wouter

Andrew said...

Very nice series! I haven't photographed many of these - the skippers are always hard to get.

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful shots of so many fantastic looking butterflies and skippers.

Lorents H Blomseth said...

You have a so great collection of butterflies an other insects her, very impressive quality at the captures, congratulations again !!

Ola said...

absolutely breathtaking!

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