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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Local Birds

  Some of the migrating birds may be prettier and more colourful, but the local birds always make it up by their personality. 

  The Common Tailorbird is a small bird (about 10cm) but its calls are much louder than you can imagine. 


It is often seen in the undergrowth looking for insects.


Because of its well camouflaged colours, the Common Tailorbird is usually heard rather than seen. 

  This tiny bird is famous for its ability to make nests by “sewing” tree leaves together, which earned the name “Tailor Bird”.  

 The shape of the Oriental Magpie Robin looks similar to the European Robin but smaller, and is also a well known singer.


  However, its singing ability makes it one of the most popular cagebirds in Asia. 

   The White-rumped Munia, on the other hand, is a  seed eater and a relative of the finch family.  

  They are sociable birds and often feed in groups.

The White-rumped Munia looks very similar to the Scaly-breasted Munia.

   These two species are often seen feeding together in grasslands near my home.


Isidro Ortiz said...

Bonitas series de estas especies.Saludos

Marco Luijken said...

Great shots you show here!! It's so amazing to see these beautiful birds. Wonderful how you photographed them in funny poses and great colors.

Greetings, Marco

Irma said...

Beautiful photos showing you, it's great to see different species.
Beautiful attitudes and contrast, well done.
Greetings Irma

Giga said...

Chętnie bym posłuchała śpiewu ślicznych ptaków :). One wszystkie są wspaniałe. Pozdrawiam.
I'd listen to the birds singing cute :). They are all wonderful. Yours.

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant images aren't they?

Breathtaking said...

Your images of these beautiful birds are just magical.Great sharpness, colour and some superb compositions.It was interesting to learn that the Tailer Bird sews leaves together.

de schoonheid van de natuur said...

wat een geweldige foto's van die vogels ik heb genoten.
groetjes Herman.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done series.

Montanagirl said...

Terrific photos! I like the coloring, and the birds are really pretty. That Magpie Robin is pretty interesting.

TexWisGirl said...

these birds are so beautiful! the munia, especially, are gorgeous! wonderful feather patterns!

Bas. said...

heerlijke vogeltjes laat je hier zien,ja laat de kleintjes maar schuiven.

Danielle v/d Horst said...

Ik heb weer genoten van zoveel verschillende soorten vogels lieve groetjes Danielle

chica said...

Espetáculo tuas fotos!Adorei! abraços,chica

Joke (Joke's Camera) said...

Wonderful series again. I enjoyed it very much. The last one is my favorite. Great shot. Greetings, Joke

Linda said...

Beautiful series of photos!

Julie G. said...

Lovely series of birds featured in this wonderful post! It's especially fun for me to view these beautiful birds because I have never seen any of them before. The feathers on the White-rumped Munia are so very interesting. Outstanding photographs!

Roger said...

Beautiful images of birds I do not know, brao and thank you for these beautiful photos.

Magia da Inês said...

São muito lindos e frágeis.
Os pássaros são as obras primas da natureza.

Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.

Magia da Inês said...

São muito lindos e frágeis.
Os pássaros são as obras primas da natureza.

Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of birds are loved greetings

Jenny said...

I'm new to commenting on your blog and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed both the great photographs and informative writing! Thanks!

Helma said...

Hello Friend of HK,

this is so beautiful to visit each blog. So you see the animals and birds in another country. Beautiful bird series and also very diverse. The bird on photo 19 I find very special!

Greetings, Helma

Unknown said...

The Tailor bird looks very much like our Wrens, who are aslo great songsters..Another great post!