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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Frogs are calling.......

Hearing frogs is easy, but locating one is a rather difficult task, because they are usually well camouflaged into the environment.

Unless it is during the mating season when they often emerge from the  water. That is when I found two Gunther’s Frogs (Barking Frogs). You may have guessed from its name that the calls of these frogs sound like a barking dog!
Unlike birds, frogs often make their calls with their mouth closed. They do so by sucking in and letting out air from the balloon-like vocal sacs in the throat area where the sound is amplified.

This male was calling loudly in order to attract a female close by.
The female also made calls reciprocal to the male’s which are thought to enhance the reproductivity.

Even during mating, both frogs continued to make calls.

The sound of these constant loud mating calls in the ponds indicates that spring has finally arrived in Hong Kong.

More photos at Google+


Anonymous said...

I have yet to get a frog photo. Very nice.

Noushka said...

I looooove frogs!
Even getting close enough to takes pictures is not always that easy but with the mating season they are quite caught up with each other!...
That is a great series of pics!

Dominic Gendron said...

Very nice serie, complete photodocumentary ;)

DeniseinVA said...

All are wonderful photos of these handsome looking frogs. I always enjoy looking for them over here.

Chris said...

Spring is in the air! Excellent set of pictures!

老人と瀬戸内海 said...


Giga said...

Bardzo mi się podoba, że żaby swoim dźwiękiem ogłaszają u Was wiosnę. Podobają mi się one, a ich zdjęcia w różnych sytuacjach są świetne i urocze. Pozdrawiam.
I really like that frog in your sound you announce in the spring. I like them, and their pictures in different situations are great and charming. Yours.

Kathie Brown said...

I have heard the frogs calling from the vernal pools here in our woods as well. What good information you shared. Thank you for your visit to my blog!

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Geat to see!
Very nice pictures!
Many greetings
Yvonne & Raphael