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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Annual Hong Kong Flower Show

When spring comes each year, Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department organizes a big flower show in a small park in the middle of the city. 

I am always impressed by the spectacular displays using thousands of pots of flowers, and this year is no exception.

More Photos at Google+


Noushka said...

Wonderful job they did, how amazing!
And your photography brings this floral art to its best!
Thanks for dropping by on our common dragonfly blog:
Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Like the floats in the Rose Parade.

Giga said...
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Giga said...

Mój spacer wśród tych pięknych kwiatów i ciekawych ozdób z nich zrobiony trwał by bardzo długo. Piękne wszystko i to na samo bym opatrzyła kilka razy. Cudne. Pozdrawiam. *** My stroll among the beautiful flowers and interesting ornaments made ​​from them would last very long. Everything is beautiful and I dressed the same way several times. Wonderful :-). Yours.

Nette Cecilia said...

Beautiful work ,i just love alla the pictures ,Nette

Breathtaking said...

Fabulous photos of these pretty and colourful floral arrangements, displayed in a most original and artistic way.I love it!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

These are stunning and I can imagine they took many, many hours of hard work!!

Linda said...

Amazing and beautiful sculptures!

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Wow, that is absolutely fantastic!
Thank you so much for showing!
Have a nice weekend
Yvonne & Raphael

Cristina Ferreira said...

Beautiful, i like.
