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Saturday, 18 February 2012

Amazing Swarms of Shorebirds

The Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong is famous for housing thousands of wintering birds each year. When the tide is right, these beautiful birds often put on a magnificent display. Watching these spectacular shows is always the highlight of my day there.

When I visited the Reserve last week, I was amazed to find the biggest swarms of shorebirds I have ever seen on display. 

The number of Pied Avocets is often huge, but that day it was enormous!

Because they prefer to feed in shallow water, these birds would fly with the low tide which gave us birdwatchers a real treat!  


See more photos: at Google+


eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, what a cool sight to see. I would have love to have been there to see all these shorebirds. Very cool! Wonderful photos.

Anonymous said...

That would be a sight to see.

Alan Pavey said...

Fantastic sight, really well captured :-)

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images.. It must have been wonderful to watch.

Bonnie K said...

Egads! That is a lot of birds. Thank you for the awe inspiring photos.

Tammy said...

That is a magnificent sight! Must have been amazing!

老人と瀬戸内海 said...


Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok said...

That is just AMAZING! I think I can stay there all day.

autororretrato-alheio said...

Really amazing but the photographer's eye makes the scene more spectacular!

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Very nice pictures!
Great series! And so many birds, thats amazing!
Many greetings from Switzerland
Yvonne & Raphael

Unknown said...

Great series of images what a sight!

Giga said...

Oglądałam powiększone zdjęcia. Zobaczyć tyle ptaków naraz to fantastyczne przeżycie. Dziękuję, ze mogłam na to popatrzeć na Twoich wspaniałych zdjęciach. Pozdrawiam. *** I watched a magnified image. See so many birds at once is a fantastic experience. Thank you, so that I could look at your wonderful photos. Yours.

Choy Wai Mun said...

Amazing certainly is the word. What a birding paradise!

Bob Bushell said...

Wowee, that is so beautiful, all those shorebirds, together. Nice one.

Chris said...

Wow that's effectively some very impressive numbers! That's both incredible and beautiful!

DeniseinVA said...

That's incredible!!! What a wondrous sight that must have been. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I have enjoyed my return visit immensely.